The Books

The Blind Colossus
An exploration of how Neo Liberalism has come to rule the world and to threaten national sovereignty. Going back to the beginnings of what was formerly known as Laissez Faire, this book details the social consequences of this kind of economy. The idea that it lifts people out of poverty and creates a better world is analysed and found to be seriously flawed.
rrp $22.95

The Past is Another Country
This collection of radio essays (broadcast on Australian Broadcasting Corporation), political essays and film reviews is notable for its clarity, insight and sparkling prose. A highly enjoyable introduction to Antonia Hildebrand's writing.
rrp $19.95

Beautiful Life
The first volume in a planned trilogy, Beautiful Life is a autobiographical work which covers the years 1951 to 1975 and details events from an idyllic childhood growing up in a large and talented family in Queensland, Australia up to marriage and moving to Germany and a return to Australia in 1975 just in time to vote for the first time - for the sacked party of Gough Whitlam. This is an energetic and entertaining trip through the fifites, sixties and seventies detailed in Antonia Hildebrand's characteristic clean and elegant prose.
rrp $19.95