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Antonia Hildebrand








Two works of fiction by Antonia Hildebrand

To Breathe

And other stories

Ginninderra Press, 2016

ISBN 978 1 76041 160 2


The Darkened Room

Ginninderra Press, 2022

ISBN 978 1 76109 268 8


Reviewed by Ian Keast in 'Studio'


Take the opening sentence, ‘I’ll kill him, I will! I will!’ she said and began crying’: from Everything is Prologue, in The Darkened Room. Here begins Antonia Hildebrand’s (a Studio contributor, poet, essayist, novelist): first rate, gripping, murder mystery-courtroom drama. It also offers much more woven through its fabric. The prologue introduces the characters- Leonora and Sam Davidson, with a concentration on appearance : initially, they are ‘The Golden Couple’. Now the younger woman, Susan Ross, is Sam’s wife, also introduced with concentration on her appearance. What has occurred is described as Leonora’s tragedy, ‘and she would make it his; for once Leonora loved, it was for keeps’. Sam, by contrast, discards people ‘when he had no further use for them, he simply let them go’. Herein, the novel’s threads -appearance opposed to reality: the complexity, and cost, of love: masculinity and power; amidst a physical world, the search for ‘something more’.


In varying degrees, the threads are visible in Antonia’s previous collection of short stories, To Breathe, an undercurrent of violence is in many of the stories. The beginning of ‘Bone-Cold Day’- ‘The chicken ran round and round the yard, blood spurting. It had no head’ and is most evident in ‘Extremis’. Here masculinity manifests in violence: ‘A laughing woman might even be laughing at him. Which was, of course, intolerable…the fact that she had been loved showed on her face. It was there in her smile, her laugh. The unloved often hate the loved..’ On the surface, the quieter appearance of, ‘Every Deed a Shining Star’ belies a throbbing reality, seen also in ‘The Sewing Circle’ and its conclusion of lustful violence- ‘Lisa soon lost interest…she drifted off into another story altogether: Carey. Why did she think of him?’ Below the appearance, of what ‘seems’ to the murk of reality, is in many of the stories, echoes of Hamlet’s reply to his mother, ‘Seems, Madam? Nay it is: I know not seems.’

And this is developed in greater, often graphic, detail, as appearance is probed in The Darkened Room. We witness the downward spiral into the reality of a post-Genesis 3 disfigured world of (much) infidelity, drugs, deception, disharmony, greed, physical and sexual abuse; as Sam Davidson discards things, ‘when he has no further use for them’. It is raw and visceral, its physicality conveyed by appropriate, and (at times) explicit language.


At its core, The Darkened Room explores the complex essence of love. From ‘Everything is Prologue’- ‘When Leonora loved it was for keeps. Later, Leonora was never prepared for the cold flipside of love. Her entire life had been Sam and the children..’ With a nod to C.S. Lewis’ The Four Loves, it is ‘agape’ against ‘Eros’. For Sam his love was purely physical, seen in sexual activity; for Leonora, hers is covenant love expressed in marriage. Such love is costly and paradoxical: ‘His needs trumped hers and she had never been prepared as a girl for anything other than being a wife and mother…the way he treated her when he decided to throw her away, destroyed her. In her mind, she had no choice but to destroy him so that she could survive…’ and it remains the case at the end of the novel, even as Ben has entered her life…’Sam was always there. A ghost at every feast…he would always be her husband, forever and forever. As she told him on their wedding night. And that was the vow she kept.’

In both books ‘maleness’ is primarily depicted in terms of power, misogyny, violence, emotionally stunted and linguistically bankrupt. There is little ‘inner self’ revealed. Several examples from ‘To Breathe’ have already been mentioned. It is a contrasting portrayal of the victims. In The Darkened Room, for example, when Leonora is trapped physically in jail awaiting the outcome of her re-trial, she talks with her fellow inmate, Kay Tait, about their deep need, to feel safe, in relationship. Her search for this ‘is an illusion. I convinced myself I was safe with my beautiful children, my handsome husband and all that money. But you know, I never was…I was living a lie and the money and all that stuff made no difference because one day it was like an angel with a sword flew down from heaven and cut my wealthy life, my fake heaven, to ribbons. And it could never be repaired.’


Leonora’s imagery of ‘angel’, ‘heaven’, ‘fake heaven’ is telling- the ‘appearance’ has crumbled before the reality; she is reaching for something transcendent. All is not a grim read in these books: there are the voices of ‘something more’ speaking. In To Breathe in ‘Roads and Cliffs’, the young character Danny waiting to see one of ‘the Seven Wonders of the World’, is quietly told by his mother that ‘love is the eighth. He didn’t sneer and he didn’t look embarrassed, he just nodded. All children know that this is true. I had forgotten it until that moment.’ In the title story it becomes more explicit in the vision of the character, William Blake: ‘When one thought about his life, it was easy to understand. Here was a man who craved the beautiful and the sacred and how did he live?....Dissatisfied with the world he lived in, he had created another world of angels, sacred deeds, great sin and a hope of redemption…’

The last chapter of The Darkened Room, ‘Some Light at Last’, has Leonora’s painting of her ‘life sentence’ – ‘Brilliant oranges flowed from her brush and some gold and creams. She painted huge clouds tinged with gold and orange and slashed some blood red below them. She had to stop for a while…red affected her that way.’ Significantly she speaks to Ben on the search for ‘something more’- ‘See the way she’s put that light there on the floor?’ (She and Ben are looking at one of Margaret Olley’s paintings.) ‘I’m still working on being able to do something like that.’

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                                      War Stories: Poems for the Age of Fallibility
                                         By Antonia Hildebrand
                                         Ginninderra Press 2017
                                          ISBN 978 1 76041 448 1
                                          Reviewed in 'Studio' by Ian Keast













Bruce Dawe, in his cover blurb on War Stories, refers to the accessibility of the poems. They are not ‘puzzle works’. ‘Rather’ he writes, ‘the poems are invariably so skilfully handled that they may seem to the reader to be easily achieved. They are not, of course…’ High praise indeed from one of Australia’s leading poets! His commendation highlights two qualities of this outstanding book -the accessibility of the poems and Antonia Hildebrand’s ‘skilful handling’ of her subject.

The poem, ‘Afghanistan’ offers a valuable lead-in to the poems.

'War is simply a frame for our unoriginal sins/Murder. Rape. Theft/All paths lead to the grinning death’s head/ we become./ No diagnosis there, certainly no cure.'


The poems evoke a harsh, violent world as they explore the human fallenness seen in ‘wars and rumours of wars’. Here are the stories of humanity’s ‘unoriginal sins’ or ‘Murder. Rape. Theft’. The evidence of war is not confined just to the battlefield. These stories explore violence wherever and whenever it occurs – in words that express hate; domestically; in South Africa’s apartheid; warfare in Syria; in our colonial history; victims who are caught in this maelstrom; the insidious view of the gun. There is, she write, no ‘cure’ for this. The stories are personal, poignant, accessible. We are drawn in to this grim reading.

Bruce Dawe’s other commendation was Antonia Hildebrand’s ‘skilful handling of the subject.’ To give an example of her strong imagery, also from ‘Afghanistan’,

         ' …the thought comes that/war is a bone scan, strips us to the bone/ shows us what we are made of…but no/ that would be something comprehensible/black patch on a bone- name the disease,/name the cure…'

This ex-ray vision takes us below the surface appearance to see, (in Conrad’s phrase), ‘the horror, the horror,’ of reality, as in, ‘War Memorial’.

'The statues never show the blood/viscera hanging/the eyes gone; or the head/All neat and clean and symmetrical/heroes’ names written in gold/tricks with light and shade/gardens of rembrance.'


But also, amidst seemingly endless ugliness there is the heroic, personal and moving story, in, for example, ‘The Alien Shore’, with its dedication ‘to Hugh Bradshaw, a soldier of that war’. This story begins,

'The waves breaking on the alien shore/ were strangely gentle./ Nothing like Bondi./ Later, at home your mind, breaking,…

Continues through the horror of war in the New Guinea jungle,…The choices left were fight, kill or be killed…' and back home, the cost…'why were you so silent, so withdrawn…/They didn’t know,/ But you had fought so they didn’t have to know./ And that was good enough./ Almost a panacea for what you had endured/on the alien shore…'


And this suggests the other, somewhat muted movement in War Stories: Poems for the Age of Fallibility. ( Note here the subtitle.) It is not all the horror, almost unspeakable, of war. The last few poems tantalise with the a suggestion of hope. From, ‘The Body Cannot Love’, Love lives in the tinder box of our souls./ as frail and strange as the moth/ Robert Frost saw on a snowy, bone-cold day.’ ‘Red’ ends with…The day on which you are without passionate love is the most wasted day of your life. The last poem, ‘True North’, is a longer discussion about the search for the ideals of certitude, fidelity, trust and constancy- yet mindful, in this, ‘Age of Fallibility’, that the human heart is, alas, fatally fickle. We are reminded here, at the end of the poem, of the image in ‘Afghanistan’ from Williams Golding’s Lord of the Flies- modern warfare still mimics the dead airman/ in Lord of the Flies: there seems to be purposeful movement…the ‘beast’, in Golding’s words, ‘the darkness of the human heart.’

In War Stories, then, Antonia Hildebrand (who is, with her poetry and short stories, a frequent contributor to Studio), has given her readers a searching, honest, disturbing and accessible  narrative of the tensions of the human condition, amidst the realities of war.

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My poem 'The Consoling' is in a poetry book called 'From the Heart.  February 2022

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My review of 'My Tears will Calm the Sun' is in 'Studio' issue 156 2022.


My novel 'A Deer in Flight' will be published by Ginninderra Press in 2023.


My story 'A Child's Australian Christmas' is now published by Litro Magazine in the US.


New book 'Broken Dolls' had a great launch and an accompanying exhbition of portraits of the women in the book at Impress Printmaker's Studio and Gallery in Wooloowin in Brisbane on the 22nd March 2024. A great night.

My poem 'Ukraine' has been accepted by Red Fern Review 5/4/22, 

I have six videos on my Youtube channel now.

Paul Grover, editor of 'Studio' has accepted my  poem, ''The Residential  School' which is part  of the mini epic ''The Legend of Neville'  which I wrote about my father. It's about  my mother and father's marriage.


My short story 'Straight' has been published by The Galway Review (Irish).

https;// July 2022


My poem Prussian Blue will be in edition 155 of 'Studio' They are also reviewing 'The Darkened Room'. July 2022

Off Topic Publishing has accepted my short story, ''The Pointy End' for their anthology, 'Stand Up'. 2023


'Studio' has accepted 'Araby', 'Subterranean Sun' and ''The Man at the Side of the Road' for its next edition. 2023

Tangerine Books latest publication is a collection of poems and drawings created by Jalal Mahamede during his 9 years in detention as a refugee. It's called 'My Tears will Calm the Sun' and will be launched at Avid Reader on the 11th July 2022. I am giving a speech.

Tangerine Books' latest publication is 'My Tears will Calm the Sun' by Jalal Mahamede, Iranian poet and artist -a record of his 9 years in detention in poetry and drawings. I launched the book at Avid Reader, Brisbane on the 11th July 2022.

Sent the script of ''The Darkened Room' to the Female Film Festival in California. Got some very valuable feedback on the script. 20th July 2021.

Sent two poems into the Tom Howard Poetry Competition-'Mushrooms', and "Growing Pains' 10/8/21.

Poem 'Winter Gardening' sent to Vocal Media. Accepted 4/6/21.

Started turning 'The Darkened Room' into a screenplay. 28/4/21

Poem 'A Deeper Shade of Blue' accepted for

publication on Vocal Media 12/5/21.

Short story 'To Breathe' accepted by Vocal Media 21/5/21.

 'Plath on Plath' is now on Line of Poetry, a poetry website from Norway. April 2021

My new book 'A Simple Twist of Fate' is now available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and also on the Ginninderra Press website. June 2020.

My short story 'The Last of the Wine was published by the Chicago Writers' Association in Write City e zine. It's one of my favourites so I'm happy. 

Had an essay/article accepted by 'The Blue Nib' an Irish journal based in Dublin. It's called 'Lindy and Keli' and the editor was very happy with it. Have been trying for a while to get something accepted. Very exciting. 28/7/20.

Link for my interview on Radio 4DDBFM on the Tony Wigan Show about my new book 'A Simple Twist of Fate'

July 2020


The Blue Nib' is now reviewing 'A Simple Twist of Fate'.

August 2020



My poem 'Letter to a Rhinoceros' accepted by 'Studio' August 2021. Also 'Prussian Blue' accepted by 'Studio' December 2021.

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A review of 'my novel, The Darkened Room' and my short story collection' 'To Breathe' in issue 158 of 'Studio'. A wonderful review by Ian Keast. Also my three poems in the same issue: 'Subterrean Sun',  'Araby'', 'The Man at the side of the Road'. July 2023

Having a book launch and art  exhbition combined for my new poetry collection 'Broken Dolls'. Lyndall  Hill Director of Wordfest will  launch the  book  on the 22/3/24 at Impress Printmakers Studio  and Gallery in Wooloowin, Brisbane.


My short story ''The Pointy End' is in a newly published anthology called 'Standing Up'' which is being published to raise funds for Ukraine.  Published by the Canada/Ukraine Association. Published June 2023

My story 'A Child's Australian Christmas' will be published by Litro Magazine in the United States. It seems to be a magazine described as 'big time'.2/12/23

I won the Studio  Prize for  my poem  'Finding the Fan Belt in the Farmer's Shed'.  It will be published with  other prize winning poems and short stories  in a special edition of 'Studio' very soon.  3/12/23



-My poem 'Prussian Blue' is now on Youtube courtesy of the Wildsound Poetry Festival read by professional actor, Val Cole.

An excerpt from my  novel ''The Darkened Room' was published by 'Danse Macabre' a Franco-German literary journal. Published April 2021.


My poem 'Plath on Plath'  is now on the Wildsound Poetry Festival website.  22/4/22

My new book 'A Simple Twist of Fate' is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as the Ginninderra website.

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I have been accepted on to the 'Poets and Writers Directory' in New York.

My first novel 'The Darkened Room' will be published this year (2022) by Ginninderra Press. How typical of me to pick a plague year to write my first novel.

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Doing book sales at Wordfest Author's Expo 2024. 8/6/24 Toowoomba Library.

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Being a Living Book at Wordfest Author's Expo 2024. 8/6/24.

'Studio' has accepted my Rafah poem called 'The Burning Babies' for their next edition. 23/06/24

Studio has accepted my poem 'The House and my essay 'Postcards from Helen Garner' for its next edition after publishing my poem 'The Burning Babies' about Israel's genocide in Rafah in issue 162. Red Fern Review has accepted a poem I wrote yesterday called 'Starchild' for its next edition.  17/12/24

My short story collection 'To Breathe and Other Stories' will be reviewed in 'Studio'. Exciting. My poem 'The Consoling' will feature in a book called 'From the Heart'.

'The Darkened Room is now published and available to buy on Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as the Ginninderra Press website. March 2022

My poem 'Prussian Blue 'will be read by a professional actor Val Cole on a video on the Wildsound Poetry Festival in California. Waiting for the video. The link to my article on 'The Blue Nib'. August 8th 2020.


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     How Corporatism is destroying the World

     BY Antonia Hildebrand

     Published by Ginninderra Press, 2015

     P.O. Box 3461 Port Adelaide 5015

     ISBN 978 1 74027 912 3

     Reviewed by Ian Keast


There is a traffic bridge in Parramatta, N.S.W., named in honour of Bernie Banton. His fight against corporatism, seen in his long struggle with the James Hardie Company and the asbestosis issue, is detailed in this book’s chapter, Corporate Psychosis vs Human Values: A Tale of Two Bernies. With her poet’s eye and empathy, the author uses him to show the inexorable human cost of corporatism.


What the author means by corporatism is (according to the cover blurb), an agenda devoted to the creation of an elite which is now so insulated by its power that it is largely unaccountable and owns a large slab of the world’s wealth. In the United States at least, it controls the law, the military, the media, and the banking system…there are catch cries such as, ‘the level playing field’, workplace flexibility’ and ‘deregulation’…the ubiquitous intrusion of free market economics into every aspect of 21st century life. Stated baldly, anything that does not increase wealth (profit) and power is to be swept away. It is a foreboding, disturbing thesis, forcefully and cogently argued. In this world of 1984 echoes, woebegone any individual who stands up to a ‘corporate giant’, which makes the stance of Bernie Banton very heroic indeed.


Antonia Hildebrand lives in Toowoomba, Queensland. She is a poet, short story writer and essayist, widely published in these fields. (See, for example, Studio 136). The Blind Colossus is a timely, awareness raising polemic, taking the reader on an ex-ray journey of our contemporary society. True, a lot of the book relates to the United States, but her analysis also has application to Australia. There are fascinating chapters on nuclear war, the arms dealers, Murdoch and his media empire: by contrast, Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Underlining all, the grim mantra and warning about ‘the consequences of continuing down the path of a society that has making a profit as its only moral value…’  Where are those, the book asks- in politics, economics and the media-prepared to hold the corporate world to account?


There are further questions that the book raises in the reader’s mind: what role does social media play, either as friend or foe, in this brave new world? How far is corporatism controlling sport? No doubt there are many others…but here is the value of The Blind Colossus. It raises questions about ‘mammon’ and the unsavoury exercise of power. And we are exhorted not to serve ‘mammon’ (Matthew 6:24). This book is a good place to start our thinking and our questions.  March 2017

Specializing in print on demand. Tangerine Books can bring your book to life. Cover created to your own design or Tangerine Books can design a cover for you. It's easy! Just email

Antonia Hildebrand


Polestar is open for submissions: email to

or mail to Polestar

             31 Rosevale Street

             Darling Heights Qld 4350





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Send your submissions year long to 'Polestar' a bi-annual literary print journal. Accepts poetry, short fiction, essays, reviews. Also art works and photos. Online submissions preferred. Send to and include a bio  note. A submission guide is available on request.


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(c) 2015 by Antonia Hildebrand. All rights reserved. 

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